De Ceuvel

The cleantech playground built on a purifying park and upcycled houseboats


In an effort to transform the post-industrial neighbourhood of Buiksloterham into a mixed-use residential and commercial area, the city of Amsterdam awarded four plots of land to pioneering initiatives focusing on sustainability and circular urban development. In 2012, a group of organizations won a tender to turn De Ceuvel – a formerly derelict and polluted shipyard – into a ‘regenerative urban oasis’ for a period of ten years.


De Ceuvel hosts circulair enterprises, a restaurant and boatel that stimulate new ways of thinking about how we manage resources in our communities. The former industrial plot has turned into one of the most unique and sustainable urban developments in Europe. The site, which was heavily polluted, features imaginatively retrofitted houseboats placed around a winding wooden walkway surrounded by an undulating landscape of soil-cleaning plants.


Together, we rolled up our sleeves and started building under the supervision of Metabolic, Woodies at Berlin, Brett, Marcel and many others. We transformed an old houseboat into a beautiful and sustainable office. After the build-up phase, We The City co-organized several events and initiated ‘De Reddingsbrigade’, a brainstorm module that was built around the beautiful site and the bright people of De Ceuvel.


Space&Matter, Metabolic, Delva, Jeroen Apers, Wees Vormgever and more.


Check out these articles by New York Times, De Tijd, Parool, AT5, Architype, A10, De Architect.




Lola Lik